Sage Insights were birthed out of a higher calling when Covid hit. I felt a deep calling to step in more deeply to try to make a difference on the planet to raise the energy and help people pull themselves out of the 3D muck and into the higher perspective and energies of 5D.
For most, the belief trenches have been dug and we're cemented in our perspectives of the stories, but conscious living beckons us to rise up out of that muck into a birds-eye view to view the spectrum of stories from a higher detached place for inner peace and perspective.
When peace escapes us, it's time to look at the boundaries we need to set. Setting boundaries is a superpower that only lets in what we want to experience while keeping everything else at bay. Check out these tips on how to set good boundaries so you don't end up speaking them for nothing. Remember, it's an inside job.
When we can't agree upon facts, where do we turn for stability? It's getting harder and harder to know what to believe as "facts" become manipulated and distorted. Under such circumstances, what's the backup plan? One idea is to look for virtues and play closer attention to the feelings in our bodies, especially our guts. T
This video is a deep bow to all of the wayshowers, and lightworkers, those who choose to stay out of the us vs them trenches and those that hold a vision for a higher path which takes conscious intention. Deep bow of gratitude to each of you. You're making a difference even when you don't necessarily think that you are.
Relationships are like emotional bank accounts. People should be making more deposits than withdrawals. If they're not, you may want to set better boundaries or re-evaluate the relationship. In this video, I talk about why some relationships don't work and why resentment may build up in them.
Opinions are like bellybuttons; everyone has one, but that doesn't mean that they're correct so challenge them by trying out the advice in this video. Try an opinion on like a coat...even those that sting because there may be truth in it. If it doesn't fit, peel that coat off and lay it at the feet of the person who mistakenly had it because that's their issue. If it does fit, maybe even only in certain ways, own whatever that is and baby step your way towards changing it if that truth is uncomfortable for you.
Several years ago, some friends and I accidentally discovered a concept that we ended up calling "Small Shoes". Small shoes is when we assume - or project - on someone ahead of time what they're going to think, say, or do about something, often using that assumption as their "answer" and acting upon it without every really discussing it with them. Don't cheat yourself.
Neutrality is a Conscious Superpower & Bridge Builder; not weakness as many mistakenly think. Changing the world begins with us and if we don't do something different, the path ahead is going to be even more difficult than it is right now. Lightworkers and Wayshowers consciously seek new paths to raise the collective into a higher resonance and way of being by starting with themselves and modeling higher resonance behavior so that others have examples on how to do
something different.
We often label things good or bad by the way they feel to us, but what if something that felt bad was actually realigning us for something good? If that happened, would the label change from bad to good then? Often we can't tell in the moment so what happens if we emotionally backed off of labeling something that feels "bad" initially to just say that it doesn't "feel" good at the time? What benefit
might that have?
Changes can be hard to make and even harder to keep. For those things that we really want to change, we can baby step our way to success without judging ourselves while learning along the way. Dealing with change is an inside job.
Social media can trigger us worse than most things, but we can use those annoyances as a personal practice to nurture more conscious awareness within ourselves. We can build those muscles lessening our personal triggers so that we can remain in the driver's seat of our emotions and remain unflappable in the midst of storms that
batter our inner emotional door.
When you're stressed and spread too thin, and you feel like one more thing will break you, time to pull in your best friend...No. Technically, you should've invited it in long before this point, but we won't judge that. Most important is that you finally invite it in to help you set boundaries and reclaim some of your personal space back.
Be sure to share this with a friend who needs to learn to say no.
Are people triggering you? It's so much easier to want to control the actions of other people that we don't like but... We can't control what they do. What we do have control over is how we think and feel about it to soothe our own feelings about it. We need to learn how to our own feelings and make ourselves comfortable instead of projecting onto other people because we don't like the way they make us feel inside. It's an inside job.
Things are rough right now. We need softer energy - feminine energy - to help heal humanity which beckons each of us to step up with more compassion and heart energy if we want to see things get better. Do YOU want to see things get better? Then please, step in with more conscious heart, love, and respect.
You know those patterns and habits people have that are annoying? You know how we sometimes have a tendency to go around and with some of the same conversations over & over again regarding these annoying patterns? There's a way to help break through those long conversations that feel like we're beating a dead horse. One solution is using "code words" and this video gives an example on how they work to set up clearer communication on these kinds of issues. Code words work with child/family empowerment too!
Part of spiritual maturity is becoming more conscious about how we respond to the world around us. The more awareness we cultivate, the more consciously we can make decisions in the more that align with our value system helping us to better "walk our talk". We need more heroes out there who have longer term goals to make the world a better place by managing their own energy in the moment. Are you one of those people? If you don't think so...yet...keep practicing and you'll
eventually get there.
There are so many things out there that it's hard to be sure about anything anymore. So what do we do when we're unsure? We give ourselves permission to stay in that space until we get it figured out. There's no reason to jump into an opinion about things when we're really unsure. Doing so merely makes things worse because it just accelerates and adds to the conflict of everyone thinking that they're the only ones with the "right" answers.
When the heat gets turned up, it shows the world - and most especially ourselves - who we truly are. It's easy to be good, kind, loving, and giving when things are going good, but the truth of who we are shows up during our most challenging times. So, who do you think you are and when things are challenging like they are now,
how are you showing up?
Difficulty and struggle are hard on us. They wear stress us out and wear us down, but if we stop to consider what we're going through, we can often find nuggets, silver linings, and positive takeaways the allow us to walk away with something positive. Even if we just develop more empathy for others due to new understandings we've gained from what we've been through, that's a big takeaway.
Have you ever set boundaries and gotten blowback?
It's a thing.
First, kudos to you for even being able to set them in the first place. Secondly, this video explains why you may be getting kickback
|and how to consider that.
Canaries in the coal mines gave advance warning to coal miners when conditions in the mines were unsafe for humans. There are people who are serving as metaphorical human canaries in the coal mines trying to warn us that there are a multitude of systems and processes that are broken, unfair, and doing us harm collectively long before most middle and upper class people know it. It's important for us to pay attention to their plights and woes so we can be more conscious of what's at our doorsteps before it's too late.
As conscious people, it's really important for us to have awareness around what we put out into the world digitally and otherwise, especially the "tone" with which we respond and post on social media. The question is, if a stranger came to our social media pages, what impression would they get of who we are based upon what we post and the tone that we post it with?
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